Thursday, September 07, 2006

Too Many Cooks...

Actually, in our case, you can never have too many cooks onboard a ship. This is only one PART of our galley. There's a lot of existing items from when the ship was a former rail ferry, but we've also added quite a few new items as well (See the big mixers in the back? Those are new). The Galley is just about finished; still needs a good cleaning. Now all we need are a few good cooks - anyone interested??? ;-) I always find it fun and challenging to cook for 25-30 people; 450 people is an entire different matter. When I was onboard the Anastasis, I helped out in the galley a few times cooking for Easter and Christmas, as well as helping to whip up a 'few' cakes (try 20-30 rectangle cake pans!!). It's one of the few times in life where I could have my cake and eat it too! Posted by Picasa

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