Friday, December 09, 2005

World's Most Expensive Washing Machine!

More medical equipment has been installed in our hospital. This picture is the Washer Disinfectant. It is used to wash and disinfect instruments before they are wrapped and sterilized in the autoclaves. In other words, it's the initial clean that removes debri from the instruments. Posted by Picasa

Medical Trunking Installed

Here's a pic of the medical trunking that's been installed in our wards. We will have a 78 bed hospital ward onboard (typically 20 patients to a room). We'll be able to run 110/220 voltage systems. This was all installed by our projects crew in each of the wards. It's starting to feel like an actual hospital!! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Wanna Join??

Who would have guessed that in the tiny town of Jarrow, England there would be an 'Alberta Social Club'... I have no idea what they do there. I guess I could make up a great story and say that I've made such an impression on this little town that they've named a place after me... although being in the midst of a busy holiday season, seems like I could very well have a Social Club named after me!! If you come visit me, I promise to show it to you! Posted by Picasa