Sunday, November 09, 2008

I love the architecture around Europe where you look up and you see beautiful flower boxes in the houses. It gives me a 'happy' feeling. But I recognize that in these houses, and in people, things aren't always what they seem. It's easy for us to 'cover up' with flowers, beautiful clothing, nice cars, and a fake smile. That's why I love the scripture that talks about man seeing what's on the outside, but that GOD looks on the heart!! This week, our staff is spread out in various parts of the world - Turkey, Wales, England, Rwanda, Germany and the south of France. Three of us are here holding down the fort, so we made the most of it by throwing open all the windows to the guest rooms to air them out in preparation for those coming to be debriefed next week. Just as these rooms need occasion 'airing out', it is my prayer that each of you reading this has someone with whom it is safe to throw open the curtains to your soul to allow fresh air breathe through your very being. God can do that for you - we all need it on a regular basis! :)  Breathe deep, my friend, and allow God to refresh your soul.