Thursday, March 15, 2007

Hands Across the World

Diversity is a good thing!!! And working in Mercy Ships definitely provides me with that experience. Here I am pictured with Alfred from Ghana, David from the USA, and Andrei and Dmitri from Latvia, and of course, me... originally from California, but the world is my home :-) (soon to be Nashville)...

It's people who really make up the experiences in life, whether it be in England, the US, West Africa... here's just a glimpse of some of the wonderful people I get to work with:

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Here's Oebele...He's Friesian (from Holland) and a good friend. I love his accent. He's an amazingly hard worker - works in our Engineering Dept although right now he's focused on projects in the hospital. He just finished his DTS in Switzerland with a two month field service in India. Welcome back, Oebele. I will miss you!

This is Lorah (you met her earlier in my blog... she's amazing! Everything I 'throw at her' she completes with excellence. Here is a photo of her in our Duty Mess blessing our hard working deckies and engineering guys with a lovely dessert. Thanks, Lorah, for being such a team player and for being a big part of the glue that has held our crew together. Lorah is well known for her organizing 'Ultimate Frisbee' on Sunday afternoons in the park!

Here's a pic of a our Chief Officer, Tim from Seattle (middle), along with our Bosun, Lawrence from Ghana (right) and Alfred from Ghana (on left)... these guys are the best. They, along with all the other technical folks, have been so accommodating, always willing to do what's asked of them. I am privileged not only to work with them, but to also call them friends! God's blessings on you, Tim - Lawrence - Alfred, as you head to the finish line in preparations for the Africa Mercy to sail to Liberia...

Here's my dear friend, Tatyana, from Brazil. She and her husband, Rodrigo, are expecting a little one - woohoo!! Taty will return to Brazil to have her little one. She's been working with me in Human Resources (helping out occasionally in Hospitality) and has done a fantastic job! She's also an amazing cook ;-) ... lucky Rodrigo! I know our paths will cross again some time...don't forget to send me a pic of the baby (and don't feel obligated to name her after me :-)....

These are but a few of the wonderful people with whom I work... I am a blessed person!


Anonymous said...


Thank you for your kind comments and prayers for my sister. I tried to email you but all of the links for that seem to be inactive on your page for the time being; this was the only way to get through while online in blogworld. I will check out the class web page a little later, as I am fairly certain you gave all of us your email address there at one point.

Hope all is going smoothly as you prepare to transition from England to Nashville - that should be quite a contrast in cultures!

God bless, and thank you agin for your kind thoughts and prayers.


Tyrone said...

Yes, Tatyana was/is an amazing cook...she worked with me in the Galley on the Caribbean Mercy, and I will again see them on the Africa when I go to help cook for the sail!

Its so great being able to read/view fellow MS'ers sites whether moving on or still sailing...