Friday, November 10, 2006

Miracles Do Happen !!!

The Anastasis maintains a 'walking blood bank' on board. All crew are invited to donate blood if they so desire. All they have to do is sign up at the Lab, and a list is posted as to who has which blood type. Late one night (last week), we had an emergency when one of the patients (pictured on the far right) who'd had a grapefruit-sized goiter removed began bleeding out. Goiters grow in the neck, very close to the arteries, and her Thyroid Artery had burst, and was spraying arterial blood. They rushed her to the OR to save her life. Soon we began to hear various pages being called over our emergency didn't take too long before we all knew we had an emergency onboard. Soon we began to hear pages for those whose blood type matched hers. When it was obvious they weren't getting enough blood fast enough, they simply paged, '"all those who have blood type A+, please come to the lab immediately". The lab was an interesting picture of donors lying down as soon as the bed was free. They were so short of room, they ran out of bed space, and our cook, who lives down the hall from the lab, was woken up so they could use his bed to draw blood. The patient, Eunice, was saved, despite losing an incredible amount of blood! Eight liters is the amount of blood the human body has and eleven pints were used on her, so suffice it to say, Eunice lost all of her blood, and is now walking around with the blood a dozen Mercy Shippers. Eunice is alive and well, thanking God for her good fortune. It was another one of those times when we could sense God's presence as we experienced another miracle, and a reminder of 'who's' in charge!


Anonymous said...

That is fantastic. What a great story. Mind if I borrow it? Miss you loads.


Pat Barrett said...


Anonymous said...

one word, ..WoW !

Anonymous said...

Love viewing your have such a talent for writing.
We always enjoy your stories. See you sooooooon!