Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Soup, Anyone???

We often get big donations to the ship... seems like the one we get most often is soup. Soup for breakfast, soup for lunch, soup for ... well, you get the picture.

We are grateful for the many donations given us (and it's not just soup). Since we are in a shipyard, we often have other ships come in for drydock. Rather than have their food supplies go to waste, they will often donate it to us. Most recently, we were given supplies of flour, sugar, cereal, onions, apples, pears ...

If you ever come visit me on board, and we serve soup ... you never know!


Anonymous said...

Hey Alberta,
This site is a great idea and a wonderful way to keep in touch. And . . . I love soup. Wish that Walter and I could figure a way to come and visit you before you leave.

Anonymous said...

Hey Alb -

I had to laugh at the soup thing. We got a donation in RO of Uncle Ben's Pasta Sauce -- a couple of HUGE pallets of the stuff. We sang the same song. Believe it or not Pasta Sauce was not just for pasta. After RO I was off soup for about 5 years -- as that is/was the 1st course of every lunch when I lived there. Dave is pleased that I will make soup again. Love the BLOG.