Friday, September 30, 2005

The Furniture is Coming in Weekly!!

This is a typical picture of my work day over the last several weeks and next month to come... furniture is typically arriving two times a week. And when it gets here, I meet the large truck along with several of the shipyard workers. We begin the 5 hour process of unloading. They unload; I check for damages; we both keep count of which piece has arrived; we move into the warehouse...then usually the next day, we might end up loading it onto the ship via the huge cranes on the dock. Needless to say, I do not like the style of 'hat hair', but then again...there's not much room for vanity when one works in a shipyard!!

I am very excited that the furniture is finally being installed. The cabins are starting to take shape, and I do have to say - I am pleasantly surprised at the quality. The furniture originated here in England, given to Scotland to order who placed the order with a Polish company who then delivers here to England... how's that for efficiency! I'll be glad when it's all done. I'll try to get a pic up soon of what the furniture looks like!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey friend!

You're now the Ship's Carpenter too, eh? I remember those days... of course there wasn't too much in the way of 'new' furnishings on the Annie 'in the old days'! I can actually recall straightening nails to re-use & picking up lumber in the shipyard to build some early furniture and cabinets.

On the 'up side', hard-hats were always optional :) I don't remember ever wearing one - even loading cargo or while mooring her. Never got 'hat hair'!

Blessings to you... and watch for slivers!
