Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Contemplating Life

I think we all, at times, just need to 'sit' and contemplate life. It's good to stop and take 'toll' of where we've been, where we are, and where we are going. I have recently spent some time reflecting on my last 6 1/2 years in Mercy Ships. I am amazed at how time has flown. I am grateful for the people with whom my life has become entwined. And I am in awe of a God who has led and directed me even during times when I, myself, wasn't sure where I was headed. I have seen much - I've seen poverty, I've seen sickness, I've seen diseases that are horrendous, but I've also seen happiness from a child who has nothing; I've seen hope in the eyes of someone who once was blind, but now can see; I've seen people rejoice over the gift of a hug. I am forever changed by what I have seen and witnessed. And I am grateful to those that help me in experiencing this journey - my family, my friends, churches, my fellow crew members, and of course, the people we serve - the world's poor and needy. Posted by Picasa

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